Tag Archive: Chicago

The Chicago Diner: Part 2

Well, in my last post I rambled extensively about my newfound love for pickles only to neglect sharing a single photo of one. Erm, sorry. I got too excited with snow! and pickles!… Continue reading

The Chicago Diner: part 1

Chicago: the city that made me fall in love with pickles. I once thought pickles were deplorable, but post Chicago? Well, there’s a pickle jar sitting in my fridge… Damian and I recently… Continue reading

Hot Doug’s

Hot dogs are a beautiful food: aptly greasy and not at all serious. While one can definitely be serious about hot dogs, the food itself isn’t. Hot dogs are also pretty inspiring; I’ve… Continue reading


So what that it’s summer in Chicago and it feels like a 100+ degrees and all you want to do is dip your toes in that awesome narrow pool in Millennium Park? You… Continue reading

New things

A new apartment with a lovely kitchen window. Sunlight shining through pretty bottles (bottle hoarder alert). A revamp of this blog… check it out? Many food pictures taken while in Chicago, awaiting to be… Continue reading